Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Bagaimana mendeskripsikan dirimu dalam bahasa inggris??

Your application letter is one of your most important job-search documents. An effective letter can get you a phone call for an interview, but a poorly written application letter usually spells continued unemployment. The difference can be a matter of how you handle a few key points. The following are some tips to help you develop effective application letters.

Individualizing Your Letter

Give your readers some insight into you as an individual. In the example below the writer chose to describe particular experiences and skills that could not be generalized to most other recent graduates. Draft your letter to show how your individual qualities can contribute to the organization. This is your letter, so avoid simply copying the form and style of other letters you've seen. Instead, strive to make your letter represent your individuality and your capabilities.

Addressing a Specific Person

Preferably, the person you write to should be the individual doing the hiring for the position you're seeking. Look for this person's name in company publications found at the University Placement Service, the Krannert Business Library, or the Reserve Desk in the Undergraduate Library. If the name is unavailable in these places, phone the organization and ask for the person's name or at least the name of the personnel manager.

Catching Your Reader's Attention

Your introduction should get your reader's attention, stimulate interest, and be appropriate to the job you are seeking. For example, you may want to begin with a reference to an advertisement that prompted your application. Such a reference makes your reason for contacting the company clear and indicates to them that their advertising has been effective. Or you may want to open by referring to the company's product, which you want to promote. Such a reference shows your knowledge of the company. Whatever opening strategy you use, try to begin where your reader is and lead quickly to your purpose in writing.

First Paragraph Tips

Make your goal clear.

• If you're answering an advertisement, name the position stated in the ad and identify the source, for example: "your advertisement for a graphic artist, which appeared in the Chicago Sun Times, May 15, 1998,..."

• If you're prospecting for a job, try to identify the job title used by the organization.

• If a specific position title isn't available or if you wish to apply for a line of work that may come under several titles, you may decide to adapt the professional objective stated in your resume.

Additionally, in your first paragraph you should provide a preview of the rest of your letter. This tells your reader what to look for and lets him or her know immediately how your qualifications fit the requirements of the job. In the example letter, the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to specific work experience that is detailed in the following paragraph.

Highlighting Your Qualifications

Organize the middle paragraphs in terms of the qualifications that best suit you for the job and the organization. That is, if your on-the-job experience is your strongest qualification, discuss it in detail and show how you can apply it to the needs of the company. Or if you were president of the Marketing Club and you are applying for a position in marketing or sales, elaborate on the valuable experience you gained and how you can put it to work for them. If special projects you've done apply directly to the job you are seeking, explain them in detail. Be specific. Use numbers, names of equipment you've used, or features of the project that may apply to the job you want.

One strong qualification, described so that the reader can picture you actively involved on the job, can be enough. You can then refer your reader to your resume for a summary of your other qualifications. If you have two or three areas that you think are strong, you can develop additional paragraphs. Make your letter strong enough to convince readers that your distinctive background qualifies you for the job but not so long that length will turn readers off. Some employers recommend a maximum of four paragraphs.

Other Tips

• Refer to your resume. Be sure to refer to your enclosed resume at the most appropriate point in your letter, for example, in the discussion of your qualifications or in the closing paragraph.

• Conclude with a clear, courteous request to set up an interview, and suggest a procedure for doing so. The date and place for the interview should be convenient for the interviewer. However, you're welcome to suggest a range of dates and places convenient to you, especially if you travel at your own expense or have a restricted schedule. Be specific about how your reader should contact you. If you ask for a phone call, give your phone number and the days and times of the week when you can be reached.

• Be professional. Make sure your letter is professional in format, organization, style, grammar, and mechanics. Maintain a courteous tone throughout the letter and eliminate all errors. Remember that readers often "deselect" applicants because of the appearance of the letter.

• Seek advice. It's always good idea to prepare at least one draft to show to a critical reader for comments and suggestions before revising and sending the letter.

Prosedur menulis CV dalam bahasa inggris

The Successful CV

A successful CV is the product of careful thought and planning. The employer is looking for an applicant who has the right experience, skills, and personal qualities for the job. The person appointed is likely to be the one who not only possesses all these but also presents them in the most attractive way. The only way in which you can achieve this is by thinking very carefully about yourself and what you have done in the past and believe you could do in the future, given the right opportunity.


Begin by thinking about these four areas:

• experience

• interests

• skills

• personal qualities

There are various ways in which you can do this. What follows is only one possibility. Whichever approach you choose, however, make sure that you make detailed notes of your ideas – even if you think they may not be relevant. Also, keep all your lists and sheets of notes ‘open’; go back to them from time to time and make sure that you haven’t missed anything out. This preparation stage is essentially one of brainstorming. Selection and ordering come later.

Experience: Many people find it easier to start with this, because it is the most concrete. Begin by thinking of your life as divided into a number of stages. What these are depends on you – the divisions between the stages may be marked by changes of job, moves from one place to another, or by key events in your life – marrying, having children, buying a house, and so on. Your notes on your experience should certainly include:

• education

• any professional training

• periods of employment – include part-time jobs and those which didn’t last very long, as well as ‘proper’ jobs

• other extended periods in which your life focused on a particular activity (for example, periods of foreign travel)

• any voluntary work you have done

Interests: You might question why you should consider your personal interests when preparing a job application. After all, these are the things you do in your spare time when you are not working. Interests are relevant for a number of reasons:

• They are one of the ways in which your personality can be defined; and your personality is very relevant indeed to a job application.

• They frequently indicate skills you have which are not currently used at work. See 'Skills' below.)

• They often have a bearing on why you are interested in particular types of employment.

• They may point the way to other kinds of employment that you had not previously thought of.

Skills: Your notes on your experience should provide you with useful prompts when it comes to listing your skills. Look at each of the different stages of your life and ask yourself:

• Which skills did I use here that I already had?

• Which skills did I improve on or consolidate?

• What new skills did I learn?

In addition, think about your leisure time interests: perhaps these also entail useful skills which may be relevant to a job application.

Make sure that you include not only skills related to your trade or profession, but also personal skills, for example:

organizing events training staff

interviewing giving advice

chairing meetings making presentations

supervising trouble-shooting

meeting the public

Don't be too concerned at this stage about whether the skills you list are relevant. That can come later. For now write them all down.

When you have finished, look back through the list and consider whether each item is one separate skill, or, in fact, a bundle of skills that should be separated out. For example, you may have written ‘communicating’, when it may be preferable to list:

• simplifying technical subject matter

• writing simple technical manuals

• training non-specialist workers.

Personal qualities: This is the area that many people find most difficult; they are unhappy talking about themselves and their qualities because they feel it is big-headed or ‘pushy’. They may also find it quite difficult to step back and look at themselves objectively. On the other hand, if you don’t tell a potential employer about your personal qualities, who will?

It is sometimes difficult to begin such a list, so here are some qualities to start you off. Write down any which you think apply to you, and then add others of your own. For each one you choose, make sure that you can think of incidents in your own life and work experience that bear them out.

accurate independent worker

adaptable lively

astute logical

can work under pressure loyal

careful methodical

committed meticulous

competent orderly

cooperative organized

courteous positive

decisive practical

dedicated receptive

energetic relaxed

extrovert reliable

flexible self-confident

friendly self-motivated

get on well with other people sensitive

good communicator thorough

good sense of humour thoughtful

good time-keeper vigilant

hardworking works well with others


Turning your notes into a CV

You should by now have a full set of rough notes. (It doesn't matter how rough they are, provided they are as detailed as possible.) The next stage is to decide how you want to order your CV. This can be done in one of two ways:

• chronologically

• functionally

Chronological: A chronological CV presents your education and work experience either in the order in which they happened, or in reverse order, with your most recent experience first. Since recent experience is probably of most interest to an employer, this latter method is now widely used. The advantages of a chronological CV are that it emphasizes the companies or organizations you have worked for (and the periods of time involved) and your continuity of employment. The disadvantage is that if your career has had ups and downs, especially if it includes periods of unemployment, these show up very clearly. The employer who is looking for a steady and reliable employee will probably favour this approach.

Functional: A functional CV is organized by skills and qualities. If, for example, your experience is in motor-parts sales, both as a representative and in head office, the functions you could use as headings might be:

• presenting the product range

• customer care

• information technology

Under each one you can provide further details of specific experience. The advantage of this approach is that you can focus on you strengths without having to spell out relative inexperience or periods of unemployment. The disadvantage is that it may not make clear important periods of employment with impressive employers. The employer who is looking for applicants with particular skills and capabilities will find the functional CV more helpful than the chronological.

Rabu, 18 November 2009

My Beautiful Country

Consisting of more than 17,000 islands, the vast Indonesian archipelago spans 5,120 km across the equator, positioned between the Asian and Australian continents. Four-fifths of the area is sea with the major islands of Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. The 300 ethnic groups that exist harmoniously give birth to a potpourri of cultures and fascinating people. The major ethnic groups are: Minangkabaunese, Malay, Javanese, Sundanese, Maduranese and Ambonnese. Arab, Chinese and Indian immigrants have also settled in regions throughout the country, particularly in the coastal cities.

Geographically, Indonesia's landscape is greatly varied. Java and Bali have the most fertile islands and rice fields are concentrated in these two regions, whereas Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua are still largely covered with tropical rainforest. Open savannah and grassland characterize Nusa Tenggara.

The lowland that comprise most of Indonesia has a characteristically tropical climate with abundant rainfall, high-temperatures and humidity. Rainy Indonesia's tropical climate and unique geographical character provide shelter for flora and fauna that are as diversely rich as its land and people. The plant and animals in Indonesia's western region represent that of mainland Asia while those in the eastern region are typical of Australia. Endemic species, which are the pride of Indonesia exist in the central region, such as orangutans, tigers, one-horned rhinos, elephants, dugongs, anoas and komodo dragons. The warm tropical waters of the archipelago nurture a rich marine environment that holds a myriad of fish, coral species and marine mammals.

A cultural heritage passed on through generations offers a wealth of traditional arts and crafts. Batik, wooden carvings, weavings, silverworks and many other traditional skills produce exquisitely beautiful items. Indonesia's multi-racial and multi-religious culture mean festivals steeped in traditions are celebrated throughout the year. Frequently featured in these events are dances, wayang theaters and other performing arts.

Minggu, 15 November 2009

Description Of My Self

My name fhiekich hanaslimi. I was born in Jakarta in 1989. I was a student at the private university in Jakarta. I really like to follow the development of information technology world. I have many friends. My school in the country 106 sma jakarta, and smp on smp 203 countries have 2 people jakarta.Saya brother. and I also have a residence in east Jakarta.

Jumat, 13 November 2009

Tugas Analisa Sistem Informasi

Analisa Sistem Informasi

Identifikasi masalah

Problem pada pelayanan pemesanan tiket secara online pada perusahaan penerbangan XYZ.

Penyebab masalah:

Pelayanan Boking / pemesanan tiket melalui layanan e_booking pada perusahaan penerbangan XYZ ternyata terlalu sulit diaplikasikan oleh calon penumpang dari maskapai itu sendiri. Selain prosesnya yang tidak efisien dan terkesan tidak praktis atau berbelit.

Alur pemesanan tiket pada layanan e_booking maskapai penerbangan XYZ adalah sebagai berikut:

Calon penumpang diwajibkan untuk mengunjungi situs resmi maskapai penerbangan XYZ, setelah calon penumpang mengunjungi situs tersebut, maka calon penumpang harus mengisi dengan lengkap dan benar e_form yang ditujukan untuk pelayanan e_booking.

Setelah data terisi dengan lengkap maka calon penumpang dapat membayar tagihan sesuai dengan tiket yang telah dipesan secara on_line via credit card.

Setelah transaksi didunia maya selesai, calon penumpang harus segera chek validasi tiket dengan cara mengecek melalui situs web yang sama dan apakah code booking ticket telah diberikan.atau belum.

Jika code telah diketahui, calon penumpang dapat segera melakukan chek in saat tiba dibandara. Sama dengan system sebelumnya, cara ini menurut saya kurang praktis dan terkesan tidak efektif.

Solusi yang dapat diaplikasikan:

Solusi yang dapat di gunakan untuk mengatasi beberapa masalah diatas, merupakan suatu usulan dan tanggapan atas kekurangan dari system yang digunakan. Perubahan system saya rasa kurang mendukung untuk diaplikasikan karena akan memakan biaya yang cukup besar. Namun bila seluruh alur system diperbarui akan menghasilkan suatu system yang lebih baik.

Dalam hal booking via internet, hal yang perlu di perbaiki adalah system authentification yang rumit. Sebaiknya system ini di analisis lebih lanjut dan setidaknya dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan system barcoding yang dapat digunakan untuk validasi code booking. Serta pencetakan tiket baiknya dapat dilakukan dibanyak tempat yang memiliki fasilitas internet dan printer. Sehingga pelanggan tidak perlu antree di mesin pencetak tiket.

Seperti itulah gambaram yang dapat saya berikan untuk memoperbaiki system tersebut. Untuk kekurangannya agar dapat dimaklumi.

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

Tugas Analisis Sistem Informasi

Ada lima komponen sistem informasi yaitu hardware, programs, data, procedures, dan people.

Disini hanya akan dibahas salah satu dari kelima komponen sistem informasi yaitu Computer hardware yang meliputi input hardware, processing hardware, storage hardware, dan output hardware.


Input hardware digunakan untuk mentransmisikan data ke processing dan storage hardware. Peralatan yang paling populer untuk memasukkan data yaitu kombinasi antara keyboard dan layar monitor. Layar monitor dianggap sebagai bagian dari input hardware karena digunakan untuk memeriksa apakah data yang akan dimasukkan telah diketik. Di samping jenis input hardware di atas, terdapat juga input hardware lainnya yaitu mouse, scanner, voice recognition device, hardwriting recognition device, machine data input (mis : modem), light pen, dan bar code reader.

Mouse digunakan sebagai interface titik dan click. Pergerakan mouse menghasilkan suatu gerakan yang berhubungan dengan pointer pada layar monitor. Pada umumnya mouse digunakan dalam aplikasi yang berorientasi grafis, misalnya Windows produksi Microsoft.

Scanner digunakan untuk mentransformasikan image grafis atau text ke dalam data computer. Transformasi text dapat menghemat dari pekerjaan retyping sedangkan transformasi image grafis dipakai untuk membaca logo atau simbol grafis untuk aplikasi desktop publishing.

Voice recognition device dipakai untuk memasukkan suara manusia ke dalam signal interpreter. Kebanyakan voice systems yang digunakan sekarang mempunyai vocabulary yang kecil dan harus dilatih untuk mengenal kata-kata tertentu. Caranya, seseorang membacakan sebuah daftar kata-kata yang biasa digunakan sehingga signal interpreter dapat menetapkan polanya. Misalnya pekerja menyebut box yang mereka bawa. Voice input diperlukan karena tangan pekerja sibuk dan tidak dapat mengetik atau memanipulasi peralatan ketik input device lainnya.

Handwriting recognition device digunakan untuk memasukkan data dengan cara menulis pada pad elektronis yang sensitif. Karakter-karakter tersebut dikenali dan dimasukkan ke dalam sistem komputer, biasanya suatu sistem PC (personal computer).

Modem merupakan salah satu jenis alat input data untuk menghubungkan komputer dengan komputer lain melalui jaringan telepon. Jenis input hardware lainnya yaitu light pen yang digunakan untuk menunjuk item-item pada layar monitor dan bar code reader yang biasa digunakan di supermarket untuk mengidentifikasi suatu jenis barang.


Processing hardware meliputi peralatan yang bertugas untuk menghitung, membandingkan dan melaksanakan instruksi-instruksi khusus. Dalam CPU (Central Processing Unit) terdapat control unit, ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit), dan system memory yang kadang-kadang disebut main memory. Control unit mengambil instruksi-instruksi dari system memory dan menterjemahkannya. ALU melaksanakan instruksi yang telah diterjemahkan. System memory digunakan untuk menyimpan instruksi data dan instruksi program. Untuk menghubungkan CPU dengan peralatan komputer lainnya digunakan data bus atau processor channel. Processor channel terdapat pada mother board, mempunyai expansion slots yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan dengan peralatan tambahan seperti floppy disks, plotters, printers, mouse, modem, multimedia, dll.

Kapasitas komputer dapat diukur dari kecepatan pemrosesan dan kemampuan ALU untuk memanipulasi data dalam 1 cycle. Kecepatan pemrosesan dapat dinyatakan dalam cycle per second (biasanya dalam satuan MHz) atau dalam instruksi per second, biasanya dalam satuan millions of instructions per second (MIPS). Jumlah data yang dapat dimanipilasi oleh ALU dalam 1 cycle diukur dalam satuan bits (binary digits) dan biasa dipakai sebagai ukuran microprocessor, misalnya : microprocessor Zilog Z-80 merupakan procerssor 8 bit. Microprocessor sekarang yang lebih modern dapat memproses 16, 32, atau 64 bit data, dan bahkan ada yang mempunyai kemampuan lebar bit yang lebih besar.

Ada dua jenis dasar processor memory, yaitu ROM (read only memory) yang bersifat non-volatile dan RAM (random access memory) yang bersifat volatile (isi RAM akan hilang jika power off).

Processing hardware dapat dikelompokkan dalam tiga kategori, yaitu mainframe computer, minicomputer, dan microcomputer. Tetapi sekarang pengelompokan ini sudah agak kabur karena sering terjadi overlap di antara pengelompokan tersebut. Untuk mudahnya dapat kita lihat tabel berikut ini.






Number of Con-current Users


Enterprise Informa-tion Systems

10 - 100+MIPS

32-500 MB



Workgroup & Small Enterprise System

4 – 40+ MIPS

24-25 MB



Personal Computing

0.5 – 20+MIPS


1 or dozen in LAN

Ada dua macam Emerging Processor Architectures yaitu complex instruction set computers (CISCs) dan reduced instruction set computers (RISCs). CISCs merupakan jenis CPU konvensional yang mengandung rangkaian untuk mengeksekusi satu range yang lebar dari instruksi-instruksi komputer, sedangkan RISCs merupakan jenis CPU yang hanya menggunakan instruksi-instruksi yang sering digunakan sehingga dapat memproses instruksi 10 kali lebih cepat atau lebih daripada CISCs processor. Beberapa vendor besar seperti IBM, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, dan Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) sedang mengembangkan komputer yang bekerja menggunakan RISCs processor.


RAM dipakai untuk menyimpan data atau program yang sedang aktif diproses. RAM tidak dapat dipakai sebagai storage hardware karena kapasitas RAM terbatas dan RAM bersifat volatile, dimana data akan hilang jika sistem shut down. Sebagai penggantinya dipakai external magnetic media untuk menyimpan data dan program yang sedang tidak aktif diproses. Ada dua jenis magnetic storage hardware yaitu disk dan tape.

Disk storage banyak digunakan sebagai medium storage dalam industri sistem informasi. Disk storage terdiri atas tracks dan sectors yang merupakan tempat menyimpan data secara magnetik. Data dibaca dan direkam dengan menggunakan read/write heads. Berikut dapat dilihat perbandingan kapasitas disk pada tabel di bawah ini :





5-1/4 inches

1.2 MB


3-1/2 inches

1.4 MB

Stacked Disk – Microcomputer

5-1/4 inches

100-1000 MB

Stacked Disk – Minicomputer and Mainframe Computer

10-15 inches

0.1-100+ GB

Tape storage merupakan storage yang berbentuk magnetic tape. Keuntungannya yaitu harganya relatif lebih murah, sedangkan kerugiannya yaitu data hanya dapat diakses secara berurutan.

Jenis storage hardware lainnya adalah optical storage hardware. Keuntungan optical disk ialah mempunyai kapasitas yang tinggi, compact, dan durable storage. Sedangkan kerugiannya : sulit untuk merubah data, dan lebih mahal.

Ada tiga macam optical storage hardware, yaitu :

Ø CD-ROM (compact disk - read only memory), populer digunakan pada multimedia. Optical storage data direkam dengan menggunakan laser untuk membakar lekukan kecil pada permukaan metal master disk. Selanjutnya seperti audio CD, hanya dapat dibaca dan tidak dapat dipakai untuk merekam lagi.

Ø WORM (write-once/read-many) optical disk, merupakan disk yang hanya dapat ditulisi sekali kemudian hanya dapat dibaca dan tidak dapat dipakai untuk merekam lagi. WORM device dipakai untuk memelihara satu record permanen yang penting dari seluruh data. Misalnya proses transaksi pada jaringan keuangan.

Ø Erasable optical disks, dapat dibaca dan ditulisi.


Jenis output hardware yang banyak digunakan yaitu printer. Printer dapat diklasifikasikan dalam beberapa cara, salah satu diantaranya character printers, line printers, dan page printers. Character printers umumnya berharga murah, mencetak per karakter, dan lambat. Line printers mencetak per baris, dipakai untuk mencetak sejumlah besar bentuk standard seperti invoice bulanan. Page printers mencetak per halaman, seperti mesin photo copy dan biasanya menggunakan laser untuk menghasilkan printed character.

Klasifikasi berikutnya yaitu impact printers dan nonimpact printers. Impact printers memukul kertas saat mencetak sehingga lebih berisik, misalnya dot matrix printer memukul pita karbon untuk menghasilkan cetakan pada kertas. Sedangkan nonimpact printers menggunakan sitem photoelectric untuk mencetak karakter, misalnya laser printer.

Bit-mapped printer bekerja atas dasar pengalamatan pada setiap dot yang membentuk baris dan kolom halaman kertas. Setiap dot pada halaman kertas dapat diset on (printed) atau off (not printed). Keuntungannya : dapat mencetak karakter dan gambar dengan mulus, tetapi kerugiannya : komputer harus mengirim lebih banyak instruksi dan data ke printer untuk mengcover data dan alamat setiap dot.

Output device lainnya adalah voice output, plotter dan layar monitor. Seperti yang telah dibahas sebelumnya, layar monitor dapat juga digolongkan sebagai input device. Plotter mempunyai fungsi yang lebih rumit sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membuat grafik, diagram, peta, microfiche, dan microfilm.